Tuesday 19 July 2011

Sorry for the absence + new reviews coming!

Hello, my dear fellow book bloggers!

I want to apologise for my absence. You might have noticed I haven't posted anything in a while. The reason is simple: I've been busy. I'm really sorry for not updating this blog.

However, I'm back in gear. I'm reading books and I've finished two. You may expect my review of Awakened by a Kiss by Lila DiPasqua tomorrow, and my review of The Postmistress by Sarah Blake on Thursday.

Friday is reserved for fairy-tales - this feature is back, too. And be sure to tune in on Sunday for the Bookie Brunch - I am this week's host. We will be discussing the classics, namely why do we read them and what their importance is.

I will also catch up on all your reviews. I hope you've been having a great summer!




Blodeuedd said...

Welcome back Irena :D

Jo K said...

Totally understandable:) Welcome back!

The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

I've missed you but if you're busy, you're busy and real life should take priority over blogging. I'm really excited for your review of The Postmistress as a book club at my library is reading that for August but I wasn't sure if I want to read it

Jan von Harz said...

Life definitely gets in the way sometimes. Glad to see you are back though. Cannot wait ofr reviews and Friday Fairy Tales.

Anonymous said...

Irena!!! I missed you!! Welcome back! :)

Don't worry about your lack of blogging! Everyone has times when they're very busy and don't have enough time to blog or just don't feel like it in their limited free time!

Looking forward to your new reviews! :)